Rabu, 21 April 2010

english business 2 assignment


CSC-CO ITB No. 2010-002




The Civil Service Commission, through its CSC - Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), invites interested individuals/bidders to submit sealed bid proposals for the sale of the following unserviceable equipment located at the CSC Compound, Quezon City through “Public Bidding/Auction” on "AS IS, WHERE IS" basis on January 27, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. at the Civil Service Commission - Central Office, Office for Financial and Assets Management (OFAM) Constitution Hills, Quezon City.


ITEM (Unserviceable Equipment)


50 pcs.


Php 12.00 / kilo

28 pcs.


Php 12.00 / kilo

14 pcs.


Php 50.00 / pc.

5 pcs.


Php 12.00 / kilo

1 pc.


(Big) Php 100.00 / pc.

35 pcs.


Php 20.00 / kilo

1 pc.


Php 15.00 / kilo

1 pc.


Php 15.00 / kilo

70 pc


Php 75.00 / kilo

70 pc


Php 90.00 / kilo

The above unserviceable equipment/properties may be inspected at the CSC-CentralOffice Compound, Constitution Hills, Batasang Pambansa Complex, Diliman, Quezon Cityduring office hours. For official Bid Forms and further inquiries, you may contact the GeneralServices Division (GSD), OFAM-CSC, Diliman, Quezon City at Trunkline Numbers 931-7935 / 931-7939 local 506 or 545.

Sealed Bids should be accompanied by a refundable Bid Bond/Security equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the total amount of bid, in cash / manager’s check / certified checks.For the winning bidder, the bid bond/security shall constitute as the initial payment for theitem/equipment.

Sealed bids submitted after 2:00 pm of January 27, 2010 will not be accepted.

The winning bidder shall be informed by the CSC-BAC through a Letter or Notice of Award. The winning bidder/s must make full payment of the bid taking into account the bid price to the CSC Cashier within one (1) week after receipt of the notice of award.

Any of the CSC unserviceable equipment/properties for auction/bidding not taken by the winning bidder within the one (1) week period shall be forfeited and made available to the second highest bidder.

The CSC-BAC warns herewith that collusion among bidders or with a CSC official oremployee to defraud the government shall be dealt with accordingly.

This invitation shall be posted in as many accessible and conspicuous places anddisseminated for the information of the general public in the locality, and be advertised in the websites of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS) and Civil Service Commission (CSC).

The CSC-BAC reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any defects or

informality of the bid receive, to accept the bid most advantageous to the Commission, and does not guarantee that an award will be made. The decision of the CSC-BAC in this regard shall be final and binding.

The members of the CSC Disposal Committee and the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) and their relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity shall not be

allowed to participate in the said public bidding/auction.

(Signed) FRIDAY

Assistant Commissioner, CSC

Chairman, CSC-BAC

January 7, 2010

BAC/Secretariat/Invitation to Bid-Junk properties doc/pmg

Selasa, 13 April 2010

english business 2

Telkomsel company profile

Telkomsel is the leading operator of cellular telecommunications services in Indonesia by market share and revenue share.

By the end of March 2009, Telkomsel had 72.1 million customers which based on industry statistics represented an estimated market share of approximately 50%.

Telkomsel provides cellular services in Indonesia, through its own nationwide dual-band GSM 900-1800 MHz, 3G network, and internationally, through 341 international roaming partners in 180 countries (end of March 2009). In September 2006, Telkomsel became the first operator in Indonesia to launch 3G services.

The company provides its subscribers with the choice between two prepaid cards-simPATI and Kartu As, or the post-paid kartuHALO service, as well as a variety of value-added services and programs. On March 20, 2009, Telkomsel and Apple South Asia Pte. Ltd. launched iPhone 3G in Indonesia with customized price plans for all Telkomsel’s valuable customers.

Telkomsel's operations in Indonesia have grown substantially since the commercial launch of its post-paid services on May 26, 1995. In November 1997, Telkomsel became the first cellular telecommunications operator in Asia to introduce rechargeable GSM pre-paid services.

Telkomsel's gross revenues have grown from Rp 3.59 trillion in 2000 to Rp 44.42 trillion in 2008. Over the same period, the total number of Telkomsel's cellular subscribers increased from approximately 1.7 million as at 31 December 2000 to 65.3 million as at 31 December 2008.

Telkomsel has the largest network coverage of any of the cellular operators in Indonesia, providing network coverage reaching over 95% of Indonesia's population and is the only operator in Indonesia that covers all of the country's provinces and regencies, and all counties ("kecamatan") in Sumatra, Java, and Bali/Nusra. The company offers GSM Dual Band (900 & 1800), GPRS, Wi-Fi, EDGE, and 3G Technology.

click here for details

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

english business 2 assignment


Background issues

Development of various kinds of food currently makes some people started in business many different kinds of food, especially cakes that can provide benefits up to 100%.
Along with many bermunculannya competitors, making the cake producers have varied and innovative in making the product to maintain and secure new customers.

In an effort to retain and gain new customers, manufacturers need to forecast sales activity to determine what products have started to come down to predict sales and product sales in the future to minimize losses. Besides forecasting sales can also be a first step the decision to change or innovation in products whose sales have started to decline. With the sales forecasting activities, making producers more effective in making the product in order to survive in the competition. Therefore the result of much-needed sales forecast for the producers saw sales targets in the future in order to remain able to meet customers' needs.

Based on the above descriptions, sales forecasting is very important for producers to make decisions cakes in the future.
This is what makes the writer feel drawn up forecasting problem as a scientific writing and give the title "Forecasting Sales of cakes at Cita Rasa Cake Shop"

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010

nikmat dan manfaat secangkir teh

Dari sekian banyak minuman ringan yang ada,teh merupakan salah satu minuman yang kaya manfaat, teh sebagai salah satu minuman ringan disaat santai juga merupakan minuman favorit bagi sebagian orang termasuk saya, karena menurut saya teh bisa menenangkan pikiran disaat pikiran sedang jenuh. disamping itu karena teh diyakini memiliki banyak manfaat, cara untuk menikmatinya pun bermacam-macam, mulai dari teh hangat yang biasa diminum saat udara dingin, bisa dicampur dengan es untuk diminum siang hari, dicampur dengan susu atau madu, bisa juga ditambahkan dengan lemon, teh bisa juga sebagai teman disaat kegiatan sehari-hari seperti sambil mengetik artikel ini misalnya...banyak cara untuk menikmati teh sesuai dengan situasi dan keadaan kita, mungkin hal tersebut yang membuat teh banyak diminati orang selain manfaatnya yang banyak, bicara tentang manfaat, teh merupakan salah satu minuman yang kaya manfaat seperti sebagai antioksidan untuk mencegah kanker, mempercepat pembakaran kalori, menghaluskan kulit, mencegah penyakit jantung, dsb...

nah,,kalau mau lebih lengkap tentang manfaat teh tinggal klik disini

semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat,,,dan "rasakan nikmatnya teh"

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

menambahkan widget ramalan cuaca di blogger

Cuaca yang tidak menentu membuat sebagian orang terkadang harus menunda sesuatu, seperti bekerja, olahraga, dan aktivitas lainnya sehari-hari. Namun sekarang sudah banyak ramalan cuaca yang dapat dilihat melalui internet seperti widget ramalan cuaca di blog, nah oleh karena itu saya mencoba untuk membagi pengetahuan tentang memasang widget ramalan cuaca di blogger seperti yang ada dalam blog saya,,berkut langkah-langkahnya :

  1. bagi yang sudah mempunyai akun blogger silahkan masuk ke http://www.weatherforecastmap.com
  2. pilih weather widget pada menu
  3. lalu pilih jenis tampilan widget beserta kota yg ingin kita jadikan widget,,,sayangnya hanya kota-kota besar saja yang ada widget ramalan cuacanya.
  4. jika sudah, copy code dibawah tampilan widget yang kita inginkan, kemudan masuk ke akun blog anda.
  5. masuk ke tata letak
  6. kemudian pilih tambah widget dan pilih HTML/java script
  7. paste kode yang tadi anda copy
  8. simpan
  9. selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat.
  10. jangan lupa isi buku tamu yak..
  11. kalau ada yang salah/kurang dalam artikel ini harap maklum,,baru belajar nulis di blog.